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Selected Online

"Land Legs", Voicemail Poems, Spring 2023

"Honey I Shrunk the Kids", Drunk Monkeys, April 2023

"Reddit", Fugue, 2023


"Non-Monogamy (Bad Reasons)", Watershed Review, 2022

"Pachira aquatica" Plant-Human Quarterly, Issue No. 5, 2022

"When a Bird Gets Trapped in Your House", Sixth Finch, Fall 2021

"Toilet Paper Panic", What Rough Beast: COVID-19 Edition, May 2020

"The Basket", Jet Fuel Review, Fall 2019

"The Excavator" in Foundry, October 2019

"In/Continent", Palette Poetry, August 2019

"To Alanis Morissette..." Memoir Mixtapes, Vol. 9, Summer 2019

"Opening Track for Sertraline" & "Revelations" in The Boiler, July 2019

"Ode to My Plum (12 Weeks)" in Rogue Agent Journal, April 2018

"Daughter" in Literary Mama, April 2018

"The Freedom Peddler" in Glass: A Journal of Poetry, May 2017



Selected Print


"Non-Monogamy (Ars Poetica)", Permafrost, forthcoming 2024


"Owl Hill", Ecobloomspaces: Poetry at the Intersection of Identity and Place, forthcoming 2024


"Uvalde", Oakland Review, 2023


"Old Nipple", Santa Clara Review, 2023


"Rutland", Southern Humanities Review, 2022


"Some Dark Familiar", Gigantic Sequins, Issue 12, 2021


"Who Makes Milk", The Raleigh Review, Spring 2021

"The Angel Oak", Minerva Rising, 2020

"The Robin's Egg", Smartish Pace, Beullah Rose Prize finalist 2020


"Ode to My Spaghetti Squash (22 Weeks)", Crab Orchard Review Special Issue: World of Flavors, December 2019


"What the Lake Knows", Crab Creek Review, 2019 Contest Issue


"Thrush", CALYX, Winter/Spring 2019


"Ode to My Eggplant (26 Weeks)", Bluestem Journal, 2019


"Ode to My Kumquat (10 Weeks)", Mom Egg Review, 2019.

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